Since her smart son is only 14 years old, if I was the mom, I would lean heavily on the plea that he wants to go to College or University to study _____. At this age he wants to be involved in ______ to help him get a scholarship towards his goal of becoming ______. Instead of going to meeting and field service he wants to study and be involved in sports or whatever it is he is interested in which is opposite to what his father wants for him. He wants to volunteer at the local Red Cross Blood Bank and that is against his religions rules.
I have no idea what this 14 year old young man would be interested in but two things come to mind that the Judge will think is logical and alright and the JW father who's mind is stunted by WT control will hate it. Being interested in Political Science, and wanting to work for his Congressman or Senator at the local level and eventually the State level. Then telling the Judge that JW's are forbidden to vote or run for office and are forbidden say the Pledge of Alliance. When the National Anthem is played, JW's must sit down and not stand out of respect.
If the young man is interested in sports and tell them that the religion is against competition and that he has never been allowed to play in his neighborhood Little League games or hockey or wrestling or any type of martial arts to learn to protect himself.
JW's don't allow after school curriculum or joining any school clubs. He won't even be allowed to go to his prom or ever date unchaperoned.
If the young man is interested in studying Earth Science and tell them from their own literature that JW's believe mankind has only been alive for just over 6,000 years and that that kind of misinformation, messes with his young mind.
WT is against so called higher education. Any educated person hearing that will instantly know someone is bonkers.
I also strongly suggest, she needs an avocate for herself and her son. She needs a professional of some kind to show up in Court with her. Can she really stand up for herself and her son and be articulate and not crumble under the pressure her husband's attorney will most likely shower her with?
And dubstepped, thank you for having a heart and being a true friend and going out of your way to help some one in need.